Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Why Information Technology is Essential to the Workplace

“If the plan doesn’t work change the plan but never the goal.”
The amount of information that companies must keep secure is increasing. As a result of industrial advances, companies are constantly gaining more data about their clients and customers. Companies must ensure that data security and company privacy remain a priority to protect against all cost of breaches. 
Privacy can be an issue in the workplace, as well. As technology advances and employers are able to easily and inexpensively install and operate surveillance from security cameras and motion detectors to software that tracks employee internet usage.
The truth is that most data breaches can be avoided; specifically the Online Trust Alliance (OTA) found that 91% (percent) of data breaches in the first half of the year 2015 could have veeb prevented. There are four major ways to data breaches when it occurs. 

  1. External Intrusions
The OTA (Online Trust Alliance) studied breaches involving the loss of personally identifiable information, found that 34% (percent) of data breaches happen through peripheral means. This is a traditional idea of hacking, where a executor gains access a system from the outside. External intrusions can happen through accumulating user credentials, hacking personal devices connected to a network and finding its lapses in the security of an app. 

  1. Employees
Thirty percent (30%) of data breaches are the result of employee actions, whether accidental or malevolent. For an instance, phishing can lead employees to give access to a hacker. By giving a brief background on the dangers of phishing, companies can prevent these not acceptable situations from happening. The Online Trust Alliance (OTA) reports that insiders or employees can be a threat when they are feeling unhappy, stressed, moving to another company or having financial problems. Companies must realize that insider threats to data protection are a reality to every business. 

  1. Lost or Stolen Devices and Documents
It is about seven percent (7%) of breaches occurred most of the day because of lost or stolen devices and another nine percent (9%) occurred because of lost, stolen and misplaced documents. While some of these particular issues happen by accident, others create a planned attack by hackers to acquire data. It is easier and convenient to steal a laptop than hack a database, and as long as employees are bringing their devices outside the office, they bring or run risk for the company. These breaches often affect the small portion of people because of the container features of data protection systems. However, they can still result to big issues and, in some cases, a fine against the company from the Securities and Exchange Commission. 

  1. Social Engineering and Fraud
One more popular method used by the hackers to gain access to information is social engineering or fraud, estimated to eight percent (8%) of breaches. Social engineering involves deceiving someone into handing over their credentials and using that login to have an access to a system. This was the cause of perhaps the most infamous data breach in the history, the 2014 Target hack. Two factor identification and proper training can help individuals or employees t stop social engineering attacks, but it is hard to catch this kind of malicious activity in real time. 
Monitoring employees allows business to keep tabs on the dissemination of potentially confidential information, track employee’s productivity and even prevent lawsuits by watching for harassing behavior.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

CKP Computers: Your Partner in Solving Computer Issues.

The most convenient and less hassle way of merging your data and important files in one single location is through your computers. Nowadays, computer serves a major role in every life of modern people. In home, school and most especially on your workplaces, computer plays a dominant role.

Why is that so?  

If we need to communicate with our far-away relatives, we don’t need to travel miles, with the help of computers empowered by modern technology, everything is now made possible. Communication is now made easy through the use of computer.
In terms of securing files, you don’t need to bring lots of folders or any other materials to bring your things. If you have with you your computer, every file can be put and one thing great about it is that you don’t need to bring much things.
If you have meeting presentation, you can simply use some computer features to make your work more presentable and easy to present.
In every single work, you can always have with you your computes, whenever, wherever.

But sometimes, due to public demand, we cannot avoid some happenings that we are in need of pc repairs. What are the common issues that a computer faces?
1.    Your computer internal memory should be based on the expected use. If you are just going to use it at home or you will use it for business or large workplaces. Once internal memory of our pc becomes insufficient, there is a great chance that all of our files will collapse. That is the moment that you in need to get some help from computer consultant.

2.    Computers are prone from viruses and malware. We cannot avoid the fact that no matter how we secure our files, there will always threats of virus that can harm your important files. Once affected by virus, chances of corrupted files are very possible. If there were case like that, you need to consult with onsite computer repairs.

3.    Unexpected shut down, damaged parts and software issues. The above mention problems are very common most especially if your pc is in over-used status. If you will be dealing with that kind of situation, you need to deal with IT Support.

What are the easy ways on how to take good care of your computers?

1.    Get padded case protection to cover up your computer/laptop from external environment.

2.    Do not over-charge your computer/laptop.

3.    Install anti-virus to protect your software.

4.    Clean your computers. If you need to delete old files that are no longer important, then do it.

5.    Reformat your computer if it is already affected by viruses.

     Sometimes, no matter how we try to secure our computers, problems will arise. If you are not that familiar on how you are going to response with computer issues, computer expert personnel is always at your service.
CKP Computers aim to provide the highest quality of IT products and customer services. If you are having troubles with your computer, you can always rely on CKP Computers. In terms of business IT support, CKP can also help you manage it.
With CKP Computers, you can always expect highest possible solutions of IT services. To know more about you can check this out,

Sunday, February 4, 2018

All About Computers: Solving the 21st Century Dilemma

The computer we know today started in the 19th century with Charles Babbage who is an English mathematics professor. He designed its analytical engine. And our computer’s framework today is based on this.
At these present times, computer technology has a lot of uses on a daily basis. It can be used to connect with people and serve them. Laptops, desktops and mobile devices connect the world together. We can perform multiple tasks at the same time and this lessens the amount of time we render to do some task. However, more than these machines the industry still involves government, communities, organizations, and individuals to rely on computer technology to innovate and produce.
The computer seems to be as necessary as our primary needs such as food, shelter, and clothing. It plays a huge role in us. And with our world, today depending on this technology we definitely need some professionals that can help us deal with this modern day technology on how to effectively use it and on how to fix its problems.

We do almost all our daily routine using this modern technology. We work fast and efficient because of these technologies. On the contrary, working with a dysfunctional computer and laptop will ruin our day and will greatly affect our overall performance in work and in business.

These computer professionals we can call are this computer technician or the computer consultant. A computer technician deals with the technical problems, whereas an IT/computer consultant deals with business problems through the computer technology.

Computer malfunctions come from a minor incorrect setting, viruses, and as far as replacing its hardware and the entire operating system. Some of these technicians can provide on-site services, usually at a rate. Others may also provide services off-site, wherein the client can leave their devices and computers off at the repair station. Some have the option of a pickup and drop off services for the customer convenience.

Every organization, every business has its different IT needs. Your business needs to address the evolving technology to keep up the pace with competitors and deliver more to your customers in a short period of time. Businesses nowadays must have an IT support that they can rely on for their business technicalities. Business IT support is essential so you can do the necessary technical work that will support business processes.

PC repairs, laptop repairs, and troubleshooting are some of the basic services a computer technician or a computer consultant can give you. They can also provide 24/7 health checks, daily safety checks, identifies issues early, monitoring & maintenance, remote & onsite support, phone support, system tray application, patch management, managed antivirus, managed web protection, managed cloud backup, network monitoring, printer monitoring, ups monitoring.

If you need some IT support you can visit They can provide the highest quality customer service and IT products. They are encouraging long-term relationships with their customers. And they believe that all businesses should have an IT support they can count on. They can also do onsite computer repairs Melbourne and computer repairs Rowville.

Digital Times: Computer Consultant on the Go!

Buildings a business is a combination of so much hard work, money and detailed planning that’s why we want them to be protected as much as can be. Businessmen hire security personnel to protect the area and the people around it.  But how can we protect our business online? It is through managed IT services.

Your Business’ Computer

It is a device that accepts information in a digitized form of data. This is an advanced electronic device that is made to work such information and manipulate. Computers have become essential in these modern days because they are fast and accurate. You can accomplish or do many tasks using it. This technology helps people in so many different fields such as communication, industries, banks, media, travel, education, and many other kinds of business. Computer technology is frequently used to connect and serve people in this modern world, but will happen when suddenly your laptop or computer started to have some problems and does not function properly anymore?

Importance of Protecting IT Equipment for Business

Your IT equipment in business is your personal property so it must be protected. If you lost your business personal property due to theft or calamity it can result in lost opportunity costs because you have to replace it. Your IT equipment includes items such as computers, phones, and other devices are a part of your business. Lacking control strategies may lead to unwanted results.

Everyone will agree that owners of small businesses have enough things to worry about, and worrying about their IT equipment as well. But in today you don’t have to worry about your IT equipment alone because we have now what we call computer consultants.

Computer Consultants

Computer consultant’s job involves data, programming, and analysis. They analyze computer systems, data, security, and software. These consultants will help you with your computer system so you can focus on more important things, like your customers, products and running your business, leading to productivity.

They can do onsite computer repairs so it will be convenient for you or you can also drop off your equipment on their sites if you may wish.

For a small monthly investment, they will assess your situation; will tailor a package that perfectly suits your requirements and preferences to help your business. With this, you can have time to rest knowing your equipment will be proactively supported and monitored.

IT consultants can handle desktops, servers, laptops, printers, and many more. It is important to monitor these devices so that if any issue arises it can be dealt it quickly before it becomes a major issue. Without an active monitoring cause big trouble when left undetected.

Factors to Consider In Looking for a Computer Consultant

1.  Reputation

With your firm, make sure that you check the reputation of your hired personnel as well as your computer consultant.

2. Knowledge and experience

Consider certifications and education as factors that can validate a consultant is eager and willing to learn more to help you. You also have to consider a consultant who’s a member of a professional organization. This membership indicates that they want to maintain and increase their education.

3. Organization

You will have to assess the organization. Consider their mission statement and code of ethics. Timely availability is important to most assignments. Its Web site can tell you about their employees and the firm’s background. It can also tell you their expertise and services they offer. 

Here’s a website you can check with all your IT equipment worries, They also offer computer repairs Melbourne and it supports Melbourne. Just check them out.