Friday, July 20, 2018

Computer Repair: When to Consider a Computer Service?

Computers need also a proper maintenance. But how you’ll know when is the best time to get a computer repair?

Technology is widely used nowadays. Almost everything around us is all about technology. Everything you need in a job, school, business and other everyday routine affiliates technology. In line with this, we have the computers and laptops which has been our support to make our life on its easier and more productive phases than before.  Computers need also a proper maintenance. But how you’ll know when is the best time to get a computer repair?

What are Computers?

As defined, computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve and process data. Computers are essential nowadays; it can make a wide range of communication, produce an accurate data and make things even more possible especially in marketing your business.  Computers give us a less worry life by simply clicking in the mouse and typing whatever we want on its keyboard.

A computer is the most effective tool we can have when it comes to organizing and storing the data we gathered. But what if one day, things didn’t fall into places? What if in the middle of reaching out to your client your computer suddenly shuts down? How would you able to manage these scenarios?

Common Computer Problems

In everything we have in life, there is always a damage associated with it. Even a television, a radio, a pressure cooker, a refrigerator and even a car needs an appropriate maintenance just like computers. But when is the best time you would know that you’re in need of computer repair?

Here are some of the common problems of computer that you need to be aware about.

·         Computer keeps on restarting
·         There are corrupt files or long delays in accessing files
·         Graphical errors like your computer screen is jumbled
·         Unusual noises
·         Attachments is not accessible or won’t open
·         Computer suddenly shuts off
·         There were applications that won’t install
·         Computers won’t start
·         The screen is in blank or blue
·         The screen is frozen
·         Dropped internet connection
·         Overheating
·         Computer is too slow
·         Pop ups keep on appearing to desktop

Those are just some of the common problems your computer might encounter when there is no proper maintenance. Getting rid of those problems isn’t easy. Computer problems give us a stressful environment on the midst of our busy schedule. But we don’t have to worry because there are a lot of repair shops that offer an effective solution to your problem it can be remotely or on site repair.

There are some problems that can be fixed by our stocked knowledge or by own experience but “Being aware of your own skill set and limitations is important” as Petrie says. Most of the time, when we didn’t figure out the problem that is the best time that we should call a more knowledgeable people who can offer the most efficient solution.

When you’re encountering problems with your computer or laptops and it seems like they are in need of immediate attention, there are great Melbourne computer repair that gives accurate solution. Now it’s time to worry less and spend time more with the projects. Just visit for more details.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Cloud-Based Backup: How it works?

Have you ever experience losing all of your important files on your system? Did you find it hard to retrieve all the files you needed? Have you ever had problems with your computer? How did you fix it?
Have you tried to ask the following questions to secure your system’s safety?
  1. What would you do if your server crashed and you lost all the important files?
  2. What might happen if your computer crashed or was stolen?
  3. What would you do if your system got infected and all your data was gone or unusable?
  4. Do you have your important files backed up?
  5. If you have a backup, is it secure or encrypted with military grade encryption?
  6. Is your backup monitored?
  7. Is your backup routine consistent?
  8. Are your backups reliable?
If you already ask these questions but you don’t know the answer you need to consult with someone that will help you.
If you are experiencing problems with your system you need to rely on Cloud-based backup.
What is Cloud-based backup?
Cloud-based backup is the automatic and safe way to secure your data. Using this, your important data will be automatically backed up and will always be available. It will also be encrypted and will be stored safely. Why to use Cloud-based backup? As businesses and companies try to cope with the growing amount of corporate information being produced daily, they face a mere fact: without their data, they have no business to manage. Because of this, it is critical to have a modern and advance system to safeguard their business information.
Over the years, cloud-based backup have already made its way in the corporate data centres. It became popular for its effectiveness and reliability. According to Storage magazine’s spring 2012 Storage Purchasing Intentions survey, almost a third of IT organizations are backing up at least some of their data using cloud. Moreover, cloud-based Backup was used by most companies for its flexibility and cost-effective option.
There are 2 Main Cloud Backup Options
  1. Pure Cloud Backup - With pure cloud backup, agents are set up on the machine. Also, with this, backups are copied directly to the service provider’s cloud. The benefit of using pure cloud backup is that it is easy to implement, scalable and is well suited to use to organizations that don’t have in-house IT department skills.
  2. Hybrid Cloud Backup - According to George Crump, a hybrid cloud backup solution consists of a principle appliance that has sufficient capacity to hold several backups. It helps to resolve the inactivity issues of a cloud-only backup and the scaling issues of an on-premise disk-based appliance strategy. Though it is really useful, there is still challenge to face while using Hybrid Cloud Backup and that is the number of potential solutions in the space.
If you have inquiries and questions about cloud-based backup, CKP Computers will help you answer these queries. Our number is 0447 619 397 or you can send us an enquiry, either through our contact page, by Facebook or by email,

Ways to Know your Computer is infected by Malware

Security software is a necessity these days but shouldn’t be relied upon wholly to keep your computer safe. The internet if full of unsavoury kinds of malwares and chances of getting infected are high, so being cautious while browsing the internet is a must. You should also know the signs if your computer or laptop has been infected by malware. Taking action early can prevent further damage to your computer system.
These are just some signs that your computer may have been infected with malware, depending on the infection:
Your computer begins to function slowly
When a computer’s function begins to slow down, a virus or malware may be the root cause of it. As the malware enters your system, the performance of your computer will decelerate. It is very noticeable since a malware may also abruptly freeze the functionality of your computer.
Your personal information has been jeopardised
Rampant cases of identity theft and other related cases can be caused from malware infections on your computer. If one of your social media accounts were hacked, other people may use it for cyber crimes and other malicious acts over the internet. If you suspect this, please seek help from a computer technician to resolve your problem.
Inexplicable consumption of the disk space
A malware could also consume the space on your hard disk drive. A ‘worm’ is an example of a malware that multiplies and replicates. Thus, it leads to the use of almost all of your space and also serves as a launch pad to spread to other PC’s.
Sudden changes to your browser preferences
One of the causes of this problem is due to malware which hijacks your browser and pops up advertisements that are illicit. It is also capable of gathering information about your browsing preferences and can even change your homepage. Redirection of sites is another symptom when you try to access a site you regularly go to, only to find you end up on a totally different site.
Appearance of blue screen
This is one of the usual problems made by a malware. In some cases, a malware can cause major system problems and results in blue screen errors. Also in regards to Cyptolocker or ransomware infections, the information inside the computer has been encrypted a page pops up requesting payment in order to unlock the files. Usually by then, without a backup, it’s next to impossible to retrieve the data.
These problems must be fixed as soon as possible. If you suspect you have an infection on your computer, don’t leave it hoping it will get better. Shut it down and consult a computer repair service company and ask for their assistance.
CKP Computers can help you clean up your system & apply measures to minimise getting infected again. Our number is 0447 619 397 or you can send us an enquiry, either through our contact page, by Facebook or by email,

Benefits of Managed IT Services for small businesses

“Why should I partner with an MSP (Managed Service Provider)?” That’s a question I get asked regularly. Some clients perceive that it would be more economical to stick with the traditional ‘break/fix’ model and to contact the provider only when an issue arises. It’s also a misconception that by being under an IT contract, that’s it’s a form of insurance and only in place if ‘The IT hits the fan’ as it were. In reality it’s the complete opposite.

Rethink IT

A Break/fix service fixes issues on an as-needed or ad hoc basis, which means if something goes wrong, you have to wait for a technician to come. This can result in loss of productivity and worst case; cause your business to grind to a halt while you wait for the problem to be fixed.
An MSP allows a business to delegate IT operations to a service provider. The MSP is responsible for the support and 24hr management & monitoring of the IT system and can address issues quickly should they arise.
Like large businesses, smaller businesses also require that their IT equipment is operating the best that it can. It’s very easy to get caught up with work and fail to keep up with things such as backups, security, updates, etc which can greatly increase the chances of an IT failure which could impact badly on your business.
For most cases, partnering with an MSP is more cost effective in the long run. Even if your business isn’t large enough to have dedicated IT staff, there is generally always a team member who is considered the ‘go-to person’ when a problem happens. Most likely because they may have some technical knowledge. However having an MSP allows that member to do the work they were employed to do instead of trying to fix computer problems.

Why having an IT service contract may be the best solution for your business

Simply put, an MSP proactively manages your technology. Small issues can be identified and rectified quickly and easily before they turn into big problems. An added benefit is that your team members will ultimately be more productive, which will save you time and money.
These days, no business can afford the downtime and uncertainty; having a reliable IT system is a must because your business depends on it. A proactively supported and maintained computer system will always operate better than one that isn’t. Once in place and tuned to run like a well oiled machine, you will notice a huge difference in the way you operate… and you will gain the benefits of preventing fires, rather than fighting them.


Most of the time, having an MSP can be more cost effective than a break/fix solution, especially when you include the cost of downtime. Remote monitoring, maintenance and proactive support preventing major problems allowing the MSP to be more efficient and offer a better service than an alternative provider who is constantly visiting customers onsite.
By having an agreement based on the same flat monthly fee, it allows you to budget and keep costs in line. Depending on your business and what’s included in the contract, pricing is usually based on the number of servers or workstations and CKP Computers can tailor a package to suit your needs.
To sum up, here are some of the benefits you will see:
  • Increased efficiency and productivity
  • Proactive support to IT problems
  • Reduced operating costs
  • Cost-effective access to support
  • Better uptime with minimised downtime
  • Allow you to focus on your business and not the technology
  • Peace of mind knowing your system is monitored 24/7/365
  • Peace of mind knowing your data is safe and secure
  • Improved security
It’s also important to realise that a managed IT services contract offers preventative maintenance, it cannot provide prevention against failures. As with anything electronic, breakdowns can and do happen and no amount of preventative maintenance can avoid hardware failures (such as hard disk failures), data corruption, user errors (ie. intentional or not) or malware infections. Managed services is an assurance that if a major issue should occur, recovery from backups are possible and easily accessible while keeping any downtime to a minimum allowing you get back to business as quickly as possible.
Click here for more information on how CKP Computers can help you with your IT system. Our number is 0447 619 397 or you can send us an enquiry, either through our contact page, by Facebook or by email,

Cloud Computing: Secure Your Business

It is undeniable that every business needs good cloud services of some sort. Why? It is because the cloud helps manage business’ important workloads such as financials and its other important data. Choosing the right Cloud Services for your business needs could be a daunting task. Different variety of cloud services can be seen in the online market, there are countless advertisements say that their cloud solution is the best and that their cloud service is truly excellent. Maybe because of these you are confused what to choose and what to avoid. To help you find the best cloud services for your business keep this cloud explanation in your mind.
What is the ‘Cloud’?
Cloud computing or simply called as “the cloud” is a computing model that is use for the delivery of hosted services over the internet. It helps your business to store, manage and process data online.
Different types of Clouds
  1. Public Clouds- Is a publicly available cloud environment by a third party provider. With this type of cloud, a business share application software, hardware, data center and operating system with all the other users. Due to it, it is a very low-cost selection. You take advantage of the provider’s infrastructure which contributes to lower your capital expenditure and lessens the demands on the business IT section. Google, Amazon and Microsoft used the public cloud to give smaller companies a competitive advantage with inexpensive access to principal software and services that could not be unavailable. It is useful for a business because of its easy and inexpensive set-up and there are no wasted resources upon the use of this type of cloud because you only pay for what you used.
  2. Private Cloud- Unlike public cloud which share application with all other users, this type of cloud is owned by a single organization only. This type of cloud is best use by businesses with random computing needs that demands direct control over their environment. Private cloud provides higher security and privacy. Moreover, it has more control than public cloud. Since it is only accessible by a single organization, it has the ability to organize and handle it in line with their needs to attain a customized network solution. Private Cloud is also cost and energy efficient. It improves the share of resources within a business by ensuring that the accessibility of resources to individuals department can directly respond to their demand. Though it is not as cost effective as public cloud because of the smaller economies of scale and increased management costs, it is more effective in computing resource as it minimize the investment into unused capacity.
  3. Hybrid Model- It is said to be the best among the three types. It is a combination of two or more different cloud deployment models. This type of cloud is usually important for highly changeable workloads. In addition, hybrid clouds are usually implemented in the financial sector especially if immediacy is important and physical space is at a premium. Using this type of cloud can greatly facilitate connectivity in the workplace. Therefore, adoption of hybrid cloud can be an effective strategy for different types of businesses that have strict focus on security.
Using Cloud for your business will surely help you secure all the important information you have. But you must always keep in mind to choose the one in which you can save you money, time and effort. If you still have doubts about what type of Cloud to choose, CKP Computers can assist you to make up your mind. Our number is 0447 619 397 or you can send us an enquiry, either through our contact page, by Facebook or by email,

Differences between online backup & online storage

There seems to be some confusion over the differences between online storage & online (or cloud) backup and some initially consider them to be one of the same – they are not. They are vastly different and each serves a purpose, depending on how your business operates.
Online backup has been in existence well before storage options came about and as such can be viewed as an adaptation of the backup services by enabling file storage, access and sharing.
Curious to know more? Read on as we explain the differences so you can understand the two services.
What Is Online Backup?
Online backup secures your data and business continuity by automatically backing up your files and other important information to an offsite server to store them safely and securely for recovery in case of a disaster.
By disaster I mean anything that could cause you to lose precious information, such as a hardware failure, natural disaster (fire, flood), terrorism, vandalism or theft, accidental deletion, data corruption, malware infection, the list goes on…
Cloud backup solution
Online backups collect, compress, encrypt and then transfers the data to the servers of a cloud backup service. After the initial full backup, incremental backups are done to reduce the amount of bandwidth used. This also reduces the amount of time consumed in transferring files. CKP Computers backup solution also provides 28 day data retention, which means if you require a particular file version from two weeks ago, it can be retrieved without a problem.
Backing up your data via an online service ensures that you have multiple copies located in different places so if a disaster were to happen, a copy of the files will still be available to recover.
What Is Online Storage?
An adaptation of online backup, online storage allows easy access to files & sharing on many devices from anywhere.
Popular public cloud storage providers include:
These providers all have free accounts available which provide a limited amount of storage to use. For most people this is plenty, but if you need more, you will have to purchase additional storage.
cloud storage solution
Online storage provides in essence an online ‘drive’ where you can view, modify, share, and transfer files just as if it was local drive on your PC but with some added benefits. If you are sharing files with multiple users, they can access and modify the same file at the same time. This can be a big advantage for some businesses.
You can also sync existing folders on your local hard drive (eg Documents folder) with the online storage and whatever changes you make locally will also be replicated to the online storage.
By default, accessing these services is via a web browser, but they also provide small apps which you can install on your PC which makes accessing the files much easier.
Major Differences
Consideration for the following should be made when deciding on which service would best suit your business. Some can suffice with just one, others might need both for the ultimate in file protection.
1. Transferring of files
As security is very important, online backup services provide high security as files are encrypted before they are uploaded to the offsite server, however it does not allow file sharing between users.
Online storage services allow you to upload and store files online and share them with others, however not all provide encryption and may not be as secure while files are being transferred.
2. Managing Backups
Online backup services can schedule jobs daily or as often as you need and is completely automated, you don’t need to do anything as it all happens in the background. With online storage services, you’ll have to manually upload files if you want a copy online.
3. Data Loss Protection
Online backups main purpose is to create an offsite copy which can be recovered in case of disaster. With onlince storage, as files are synced between devices, no redundant copies are created so if corruption occurs or files are accidentally deleted, you have nothing to recover from.
Here is a quick comparison
Online backup vs online storage comparison
Hopefully this has helped, it’s extremely important that you understand the differences between the two technologies and what your business requires. Many businesses like the ease of sharing files and having them available from anywhere, but it’s also advised that these files are also backed up using an online service.
We have helped many businesses avoid a possible data nightmare by implementing suitable procedures to ensure their data is kept safe and secure. If you don’t know or aren’t sure, contact us today. Our number is 0447 619 397 or you can send us an enquiry, either through our contact page, by Facebook or by email,

Backup Failure: How you can prevent it

There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who perform effective backups and then there are those who are meant to lose priceless, important information. Admit it or not you belong to one of these groups of people. If you belong to the first group, then that’s great news. If however you are in the second group, that’s bad news.
Maybe you’ve failed in properly handling your data backups or you may not be aware that this failure is a result of your inconsistency. Consistency is undeniably a necessity but if you don’t manage all aspects of backups, there is weak link and your backups will be harder for you to deal with. It’s possible you can face horrible and pricey expenses when you need them.
As a matter of fact, preventing backup failures is not always as easy as it seems, technology changes over time. New ideas, new concepts and new information require changes to be made to your backup routine.
Ideally, cloud backup is the way of the future. If however you still back up locally onsite and want to avoid backup failures, here are some tips to keep in mind.
  1. Media failure ranks as one of the main reasons why backups and restores fail, be it tape, USB or optical media. It is important to treat your backup media with respect and use it wisely. Rotating media regular and replacing old with new helps minimise failures.
  2. Human error is also considered as one of the prolific reasons of backup failure. The best protection against human error is to train those persons responsible to follow the best practices. Keep in mind that the persons who are going to implement backups and restores must fully understand what they should and shouldn’t do.
  3. Sometimes new software may also results to backup breakdown. Why? For instance, operating system and other program updates can make firewall changes which can affect network backups, causing them to stop working.
  4. Tape drives and other backup hardware may also fail. The causes of breakdowns for backup hardware are the same as any other kinds of hardware, yet there are some circumstances that are unique to these backup systems. An example is tape drift which causes a horrible type of failure in tape drives. As the drive ages, the heads begin to wander out of alignment. As a result, if you need to restore the tape on another drive, it will not be able to read the tape. The really scary part is that the drive passes verification as it can just read what it wrote.
  5. Backing up over a network is more effective as it removes unnecessary backup devices. However other issues such as network problems or a bad switch can cause backups to fail if they aren’t being monitored.
Thankfully these days we have technology known as cloud backup which reduces and almost eliminates the issues of yesteryear. It is still imperative that the correct data is being backed up and that test restores are done.
They say that if you do not test your backup, then you don’t have any backup at all. So, whatever the reason of your backup breakdown, the best thing to do is to verify or test it by performing regular test restores. Testing your backups regularly won’t totally prevent backup failures, but it will raise any problems that you wouldn’t have known about and allows you to fix the problem before it get worst.
If you are concerned about your data and if it’s being backed up properly, contact CKP Computers so we can check it out for you. Our number is 0447 619 397 or you can send us an enquiry, either through our contact page, by Facebook or by email,

Thursday, July 12, 2018


Computers are now a part of our everyday life. It can be considered as a basic necessity not just for business-oriented people but also to everyone who needs it. There are just some tasks that cannot be done without them.
However, we cannot escape the times when sudden technical difficulties arise. We don’t even know what we have done or why it happened. We need to at least know a thing or two about common PC repairs to save the day. Here are some common technical difficulties you might encounter with your computer and some ways to solve and avoid them:

When your Computer is as Slow as Turtle and it Literally Leaves you Hanging

Most people suffer from this problem with their computers, especially when they use it for the whole day. It can either be a problem with the software or in the hardware. You might have been using several windows or your hard drive is starting to fail because of not enough RAM. If you want to see the running programs and how much of space it consumes your CPU, go to the Task Manager. However, you should also consider the age of your computer. If it exceeded five years, then it is just natural. Computers are evolving real fast and you might consider buying a new one than getting it repaired.  

When your Computer Keeps on Restarting

If it is a software problem, it might be about OS update or a malware. On the other hand, it might also be a hardware problem which might involve your computer’s mother board, graphic card, or network card drivers. The most basic option you can do is to disable the automatic restart option from the Start Up Recovery Setting. You can also try to check for any failed hardware. Try to clean your computer’s cooling areas because a failed hardware is usually caused by overheating of your computer. If none of those works, try to ask for a computer technician for some professional help.

When your Computer Peripherals like Mouse, Keyboard, and Printer are not Responding

It could be a driver issue or basically it could either be a peripheral’s component problem or a computer port problem. Most of the time it involves computer port problems because they easily wear out. You can try to unplug it and plug it back again after several minutes and see what happens.

When your Computer Makes Strange Noises

If this happens, it usually has something to do with your computer’s fan or it may be suffering from hardware malfunction. The best option for you is to back-up your files immediately and ask for experts because it is one of the signs that your hardware is failing. 

As the saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure”. Even with computers, we should also try to ask for IT support or computer technicians when something strange happen with our personal computers.

In this generation, computer is an everyday necessity. Thus, we need to make sure that it is on the right condition.

Need some computer check-ups or services? CKP Computers is always on the go. You can call us at our number 0447 619 397 or you can email us at

Friday, July 6, 2018

Computer Repair: When to Consider a Computer Service?

Technology is widely used nowadays. Almost everything around us is all about technology. Everything you need in a job, school, business and other everyday routine affiliates technology. In line with this, we have the computers and laptops which has been our support to make our life on its easier and more productive phases than before.  Computers need also a proper maintenance. But how you’ll know when is the best time to get a computer repair?

What are Computers?
As defined, computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve and process data. Computers are essential nowadays; it can make a wide range of communication, produce an accurate data and make things even more possible especially in marketing your business.  Computers give us a less worry life by simply clicking in the mouse and typing whatever we want on its keyboard. A computer is the most effective tool we can have when it comes to organizing and storing the data we gathered. But what if one day, things didn’t fall into places? What if in the middle of reaching out to your client your computer suddenly shuts down? How would you able to manage these scenarios?

Common Computer Problems
In everything we have in life, there is always a damage associated with it. Even a television, a radio, a pressure cooker, a refrigerator and even a car needs an appropriate maintenance just like computers. But when is the best time you would know that you’re in need of computer repair?

Here are some of the common problems of computer that you need to be aware about.

·         Computer keeps on restarting
·         There are corrupt files or long delays in accessing files
·         Graphical errors like your computer screen is jumbled
·         Unusual noises
·         Attachments is not accessible or won’t open
·         Computer suddenly shuts off
·         There were applications that won’t install
·         Computers won’t start
·         The screen is in blank or blue
·         The screen is frozen
·         Dropped internet connection
·         Overheating
·         Computer is too slow
·         Pop ups keep on appearing to desktop

Those are just some of the common problems your computer might encounter when there is no proper maintenance. Getting rid of those problems isn’t easy. Computer problems give us a stressful environment on the midst of our busy schedule. But we don’t have to worry because there are a lot of repair shops that offer an effective solution to your problem it can be remotely or on site repair.

There are some problems that can be fixed by our stocked knowledge or by own experience but “Being aware of your own skill set and limitations is important” as Petrie says. Most of the time, when we didn’t figure out the problem that is the best time that we should call a more knowledgeable people who can offer the most efficient solution.

When you’re encountering problems with your computer or laptops and it seems like they are in need of immediate attention, there are great Melbourne computer repair that gives accurate solution. Now it’s time to worry less and spend time more with the projects. Just visit for more details.